Why You Should Stay Off Social Media During Your Divorce

Woman getting a divorce using social media

If you are in the midst of obtaining a divorce, you might want to reconsider how active you are on any of your social media accounts. While Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other similar platforms are all great ways to stay connected, share, and network, they can also become your undoing if you are in the process of dissolving your marriage. Even a post that seems harmless to you can potentially be turned against you in court to ruin your chances of obtaining the divorce settlement you are seeking.

Below are some of the reasons why you should consider holding off on using social media until your divorce is finalized:

  • Your posts can be taken out of context: The most seemingly innocent post can easily be taken out of context. For example, if you post some pictures of yourself out having a fun night out with friends, drinking and cutting loose, this might make you appear irresponsible in the eyes of the court. If you are trying to obtain custody of your children, this could potentially hurt your chances and cost you dearly. If your spouse has a particularly hostile attitude toward you, you can expect things to get ugly, so refrain from providing the ammunition he or she needs.
  • Your post might contradict a statement you made in court: If you make a statement in court and then proceed to contradict yourself through social media posts, you will ultimately look like a liar in court, which will inevitably get you into trouble. For example, if you told a judge that you are struggling with money, but make a post about purchasing a new car or an upcoming lavish vacation, you can expect this to hurt you in court.
  • You shared details about your divorce: Going through a divorce is stressful and frustrating, but if you end up venting on Facebook about what a terrible person your soon-to-be former spouse is, it will not do you any favors in court. Not only will you look bitter and hostile in court, but you might even be giving opposing counsel a head’s up on what they might be able to expect in court if you spill all the beans online.
  • Posts about your loved ones can hurt you: Your own posts are not the only ones that can derail your divorce case. For example, if your daughter graduated from high school and later attended a party where alcohol was served and was tagged in pictures where her and her friends were drinking, this can certainly be a problem for you and would likely be used as evidence to argue that you are an unfit parent, regardless if you punished your daughter drinking. This type of online activity is less easy to moderate since you cannot dictate what others do. However, you can ask that friends and family respect your privacy during this time and refrain from making any posts about you or your family, including pictures.
  • Friends might talk: You and your spouse probably share a lot of mutual friends, especially if you were together for quite a while. You might not know where certain friends’ loyalties lie, so even if your privacy settings appear to be airtight, a mutual friend might take a screen capture of your posts and share it with your spouse. No matter how private you think your social media profiles are, you should always assume there is a way to access your posts.

A good rule of thumb is to step away from social media until your divorce is officially finalized. However, if for whatever reason you are unable to do this, always ask yourself if you would mind a judge seeing your post before you release something out into the internet. Once you put it out there, you can never take it back.

Contact Bez Law Firm, P.C.

If you and your spouse are no longer able to make your marriage work and you are now headed for a divorce, now is the time to seek skilled legal representation to effectively protect your interests. At Bez Law Firm, P.C. in Sacramento, our attorneys are experts at handling divorce and family law cases. They're here to help you and your loved ones move forward. We exclusively handle family law cases and have exceptional insight to assist you throughout this difficult process.

Get started on taking the first step toward beginning a new chapter in your life and reach out to our law firm today at (916) 512-8944 to schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys.

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